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The course deals with the complex of topics "Social Media and Instant Messaging (7-12 years)" in relation to the age group of children between 7 and 12 years and its importance for the children. It gives an overview of the most important online platforms and messaging services as well as the most current problematic forms of online communication, such as "hate speech" or "cyberbullying" and how to deal with them. It shows how children communicate today and what opportunities and challenges this brings. Finally, the course shows how media education on the topic can succeed at home.
The course is modularised and makes it possible to offer and conduct a media education parents' evening on the topic of "Social Media and Instant Messaging (7-12 years)" at educational (leisure) institutions. Learning is promoted through helpful practical materials and the supportive environment on the internet. The course consists of five modules, accompanied throughout by tips, practical exercises and feedback questions.