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Getting Started

 Woman taking notes on a notebook, photo by Karolina Grabowska viaPexels, CC BY 3.0
Woman taking notes on a notebook, photo by Karolina Grabowska viaPexels, CC BY 3.0

You have considered your target group and how you can best work with parents. You have also worked out the basic principles and objectives of your parents' evening. Now it's time for planning.

In this module we will focus on the next steps of planning. Good preparation in advance of the parents' evening gives you confidence and is a prerequisite for success. We will show which considerations you should make as part of the preparation for the parents' evening. This module focuses on organisational planning, the invitation letter and its elements, your role as a speaker and possible public relations work. In addition, we would like to point out the opportunities of culturally relevant and integrative media work.

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Preparation is the key

1. time, place, participant

You will never be able to accommodate all families and their time needs. But thoughtful planning that addresses the needs of the target group will increase your chances of a well-attended parents' evening. This includes:

  • setting the date and duration,
  • setting the number of participants,
  • finding a suitable venue,
  • the right room set-up.

Take a look at our Top 5 Tips for a Successful Parents' Evening, you can find the document in the resources on the right.

2. room design and technology

A successful parents' evening often depends on the environment. In the document Room Design we give answers to basic questions: How do I arrange the chairs? What technology is available and what do I need to bring with me?  We show which points you should consider early on in your planning.

3. choice of topic and invitation

Whether parents attend a parents' evening depends largely on the way in which the event is invited. Therefore, pay special attention to the invitation. We collected tips in the document Choice of Topic and Invitation. We suggest you use our template for the invitation letter at the end of each themed course.

For a summary and overall view of what you have just learnt, please see the webpage Parents' Evenings - Everything you need to prepare. 

 Your role as a speaker

1. be yourself and inspire others

For a successful parents' evening, it is crucial to take a closer look at your role as a speaker. Be aware of your role and responsibility as a mediator of knowledge, entertainer, moderator and mediator of conflicts. Be sure to remain authentic and honest!

The video How to be a good teaching professor addresses primarily teachers - but just replace students with listeners at the parents' evening, the basic principles remain the same: take care of the participants, use examples from everyday life and incorporate your own experiences. Also, show your enthusiasm for the topic. Factors that also guarantee success for you as a speaker. It's all about you and your charisma!

 2. presentation and communication

Have you ever presented in front of a group or moderated an event? If so, you know how difficult it can sometimes be to keep the participants of the event interested. The Video Train the Trainer - Essential Tips to Impart Training provides techniques.

The way you communicate has a decisive influence on a successful exchange. The video Active Listening: How To Communicate Effectively is about appreciative and positive communication. Watch the video and find your communication style.

 Culturally open and integrative - communicating at eye level

Be aware that different characters, cultures and educational styles meet at parents' evenings. See the parents' evening as an exchange and actively ask to discuss different parenting styles and views. Be open and don't be afraid to admit that you don't know everything. The video Teaching Students from Different Cultural Backgrounds looks at the opportunities for exposure, education and empathy and gives good ideas on how we can work on our cultural attitudes.

How about making a public event?

Why not. After all, your topic is not only relevant for the parents of a certain class. Invite parents from different schools and hold a public parents' evening. Publicity for this event is essential. For tips on how to promote your event to the public, watch the video Event Marketing. How to fill your local live event. Press releases, newsletters, invitations to schools and associations - draw attention to yourself and your event and use various channels for this, for example our MediaParent consultant database. Complete this and another MediaParents course, successfully take the test and get listed on our map to be found as a MediaParet consultant. Share your knowledge and experience and let's teach media literacy together!


Plan a fictitious parents' evening. Consider the following questions:

  • Where should the evening take place, how should it proceed?
  • What organisational steps are necessary in advance?
  • How will you make parents aware of your parents' evening?

Use the planning sheet and the checklist. Go through both and think about the procedure as concretely as possible.

What you learn in this course

  • You will be able to describe your role as a speaker in general and formulate ideas and demands.
  • You’ll be able to state, identify and correctly assign criteria for the choice of dates, the time frame and the determination of the number of participants of a parents' evening.
  • You’ll know what basic technical equipment is needed for a parents' evening and explain how a room should be designed.
  • You’ll know the core elements of an invitation.
  • You’ll be able to explain the relevance of press work for a parents' evening and list the most important instruments of press work.
  • You can name the basics of culturally relevant media education work.
  • You know how to use the MediaParents planning sheet and, based on it, develop a parents' evening purposefully and independently.
  • You can conduct a parents' evening with the help of the MediaParents checklist.


Get ready: Tips for MediaParent consultants

You have now taken the first major step towards becoming a MediaParent consultant. Congratulations!

You now know how to effectively plan your media educational parents' evening and what role you play as a speaker. You know the basics of culturally relevant media work.

Now it's time to implement your parents' evening! Take a look at the module "Conducting a media education parents' evening".




How to Be a Great Teaching Professor

Train the Trainer - Essential Tips to Impart Training

Active Listening: How To Communicate Effectively

Teaching Students from Different Cultural Backgrounds

Event Marketing - strategies & socialmedia for event marketing


All modules from this course: